Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Destiny Calcified Fragment 4 ( IV ) location

What are Calcified Fragments?

Calcified fragments are collectible items in Destiny Taken King. They are very similar to the collectible dead ghost from Vanilla Destiny. There are 50 Calcified fragments in total to be collected in The Taken King. Collecting Calcified fragments is part of a questline from Eris Morn and collecting your first fragment will activate this quest. The end of the quest requires you to collect 45 of the 50 Calcified fragments as well as completing other activates in order to obtain an Exotic Weapon called the Touch of Malice. The Touch of Malice is an Exotic Scout Rifle, quite unique to The Taken King expansion and definitely worth obtaining.

Each Calcified fragments has its own number and name and is tied to its respective Book of Sorrow. The book of sorrow is just lore pertaining to that particular Calcified fragment. Each Calcified Fragment is also worth a certain amount of Grimoire points ranging from 5 to 15.
Obtaining all 50 Calcified fragments is also one of the achievements for Year 2 Moments of Triumph in Destiny and will also unlock the Beltane Armor Shader.

Where are the Calcified fragments located?

Most of the Calcified fragments are located in the Dreadnaught. While some of the Calcified Fragments can be located while walking around on patrol, others require completing certain events or quests on the dreadnaught.

Where is Calcified Fragment IV (4) located?

Ok, so how to find Calcified Fragment number four on the Dreadnaught? Quite simply all you have to do for this one is head to the dreadnaught on patrol. Calcified Fragment 4 – Syzygy is located in the Mausoleum on the Dreadnaught, if you have no idea where that is, that’s ok I’ll explain.

Once you land on the Dreadnaught in Patrol head straight ahead through this crevice like path carved out. There will be some Cabal on the left shooting at some Hive on the right, who will probably be shooting back. Don’t waste time with any of them just continue through the path mostly straight ahead. You might have to walk around some debris once or twice but stick to the path and you will reach and area called the MAUSOLEUM.

Once you enter the Mausoleum then make a left immediately.

Once you have turned left there will be a broken/fallen pillar to your left a couple of steps ahead. 

If you walk around this pillar towards the far LEFT side of the pillar you should be able get a glimpse of Calcified Fragment 4.

You might also need to jump over some debris to actually reach the fragment. That's it, Calcified Fragment 4 is one of the easier fragments to obtain on the Dreadnaught and is actually in the open and not in some room or cave or secret platform.

If you do not see the fragment, either you are in the wrong area OR you have already gotten the Fragment with the character you are currently using. One way to check if you got the Fragment with your current character is by using Destiny Tracker. 

If you were not able to follow the instructions above or for some reason got lost along the way, I have included a video below showing you exactly how to get to Calcified Fragment #4 starting from the Hullbreach/Patrol on the Dreadnaught.

I am still working on collecting all 50 fragments for one of my characters before Rise of Iron is released in order to try and complete the Year 2 Moments for Triumph achievement. I will post articles for the other Calcified Fragment locations as I progress through collecting them myself.



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